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Intravitreal Injections

Using a personalized animated video, the Intravitreal Injections Education Module effectively engages patients and encourages them to begin 

and complete their treatment course. In addition to bridging anxiety-inducing information gaps and providing personalized preparatory instructions, the Module taps into the power of empathy to improve engagement using a personalized simulation of the vision-affecting symptoms experienced by the patient.

Click on the images to to see how the video is personalized to the patient's condition

Demonstrating empathy by simulating the patient's symptoms

Retinal Vein Occlusion



Age Related Macular Degeneration


Diabetes Related Macular Edema

System benefits


patient preparation

Reduces medical and administrative staff workloads

Bridges crucial information gaps

Patient journey


Unengaged patients receive reminders 96 and 48 hours ahead of procedure

The platform monitors patient engagement and sends reminders to unengaged patients 96 and 48 hours ahead of procedure. Patients unresponsive to their last reminder are flagged for direct intervention by clinic staff (see below).


Clinic staff open a new patient case and update the patient’s personal information (age, gender, and language preference),  the indication for treatment (RVO, AMD, or DME), the date and time of the procedure, and the patient’s mobile phone number. Optionally, the clinic’s patient management system can be connected directly to the platform.

New patient case opened by clinic

Patients and/or caregivers receive an SMS with link to personalized animated video

Patients and/or caregivers receive an SMS to their mobile phone with a link to a personalized animated video and personalized preparatory instructions. 

An easy-to-use administration module monitors patient engagement. Unengaged patients are flagged for direct intervention by staff. The module provides reports in a number of formats.

Administration module monitors patient engagement

Case Manager 2.O

Digitized informed

consent form

Patients are encouraged to read the personalized informed consent form they will sign in the presence of a physician at the clinic.

After watching the video, the patient can view, download and print personalized preparatory instructions.

Personalized preparatory instructions

"I've been treated with intravitreal injections for two years now. I watched the video and it’s simply amazing! I identified with the character and her symptoms, and I really liked that the video explained how the substance works in the eye. After watching it, I suddenly understood the treatment and what happens inside my eye."

Patient, 58

Group 40070.png

“I truly appreciated the clear and lighthearted manner in which the instructions were presented. Despite having undergone multiple injections in the past year, the video still provided valuable assistance. It's wonderful to receive such a pleasant video on my phone, addressing me directly."

Patient, 76

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